Saturday, January 23, 2010


One of the things I have to do after each weigh-in session is to take my body measurement. Particularly the waist, hip, breast, thigh and arms. The frightening statistics are keyed-in so that the BiggestLoserClub website could provide me with the progress report consisting of bar-chart, line graph and the latest Waist Hip Ratio and BMI.
This week I weighed in on Wednesday and later found out that my waist was 1cm smaller. So were my arms and my hip. It's quite amazing to lose those inches only after 2 weeks of following the program. But I've done a lot, too. So, it's not really a surprise. I'd be more surprised if there was no change at all.
However, I do expect some disappointment on some weeks because it's a known fact that when we participate in this kind of program it's always 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Whenever there's a back step i.e not losing any weight/inches after working your ass off the whole week, just remember that you've probably gain muscle. That explains no change in body mass.
After I weighed-in this week, I treated myself with mee goreng mamak. Hehehehe... That's 450 calories ++ you all.....!

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