Friday, October 30, 2009


Only 2 things are certain in life: everybody ages, everybody dies. Each passing day most of us try not to think of these two. Let's not blame ourselves, let's just go with the flow.

Signs of ageing can be seen even in our early twenties. The crow feet, the lines on our forehead and underneath the eyes are among the early ones that will surface and they're like a sudden knock on the front door, 'Knock! Knock! You're getting old and wrinkly.'

The other sign is joint and back pain.Blame it on calcium deficiency, unhealthy eating, cheap mattresses and even laziness. Still, they're signs that age is catching up.

I had a terrible lower back pain that started in the early 2nd trimester of my recent pregnancy. The doctor told me it could be the ligaments' problem. Our joints and ligaments become quite tender during the 9 months. Since I never had it before, I thought it must be the age. 35 is not a recommended age to get pregnant, by the way.

I bought this back support so that it kept me standing and sitting straight during daytime. I didn't wear it to sleep. Slouching will only make the pain worse and unbearable. Without the back support, I usually had to get up really slowly from my chair and walk in slow-mo heading towards the washroom. I walked like a 90 year old granny because it was impossible to straighten the body right away after getting up from the chair. It would feel like all your bones were falling apart.

This back support helped me a lot to get through my days at work. I was thinking of getting a very long MC if I had to walk around the office like an old granny.

After the C-sect (day02) I started putting on this tummy binder. It provided the much needed tummy support and I was able to breathe normally. Remember, the first exercise after your C-sect is doing the proper breathing. I practiced the Yoga style breathing which allows more air to enter you lungs. At the same time, it clears the mind and you'll feel refreshed after only 5 minutes of this breathing exercise.

Another good Yoga position you can do right away is the corpse. Just lie down, hands on the sides, legs apart, head turned to the side, close your eyes and relax. It's so easy; and if you're lazying at home in this position and your mom nags you, just tell her you're exercising. Life can be a bed of roses for some people who really know how to manipulate the people around them and get away with things easily. You agree with me? No? Don't worry, the choice is yours.

*Images taken from OPPO Medical.

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